Ordinary miracle

I watched a documentary called ” The Long Goodbye” it was heartbreaking and beautiful. It was heartbreakingly, beautifully real. It was about this young mother of 4, a pastor’s wife, who is diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer ….
that’s the heartbreaking part….
But the beautiful part…
is what she did with that diagnosis.
she chose to …. love more…. live more…. walk deeper into her faith, by grace.
She was dying… she knew she was dying.
As are we all.
But she chose not to actively die, she chose to boldly live.
She loved harder
She lived louder
She taught others to do the same.

It was difficult to watch.

It brought back so many memories of Rebecca….I walked that path with her….and she taught me all of those lessons in a way that only she could. She taught me love, she taught me grace, she taught me strength, she taught me the value of an ordinary day.
I miss her. I miss her every, single day.
I have cried new tears today….as I was reminded of death, of life, but mostly…..I was reminded of love.
Big love.
The kind of love that changes the world.
So today… in honor of Kara Tibbets… in honor of my beautiful friend, Rebecca…
I will go out into this ordinary day… and I will love out loud. I will walk in Grace…..and I will give thanks for those who paid the price to teach the rest of us just how short life can be.
Love hard, my beautiful friends…

This all ends.

What is it you choose to do with this one precious life ?

Go. Be. Love.

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